Puppy Training

Congratulations on your new puppy! Our puppy store is designed to set you up for success as soon as you bring your puppy home. Whether you are a new pet parent or a seasoned veteran our recommendations will guide you to a stress free and fun time with your little one.  Below we will discuss 6 categories to consider when bringing a new puppy into the home.  These categories are management, nutrition, grooming, training, potty training and toys.

Complimentary Potty Training Guide


Managing your puppy is vital. Allowing your puppy to roam around unsupervised has negative consequences. For example, your puppy may ingest something that can make them sick or potty in an undesired area. When your dog is not potty trained and doesn’t know the rules of the home it is important to manage and supervise your puppy. Some management tools are a crate, playpen or even a bathroom. Think of this area as your dogs home when your puppy is sleeping or when you are away from the home. If you are going to be away from home longer than 6 hours then we recommend a long term confinement strategy. We discuss different management strategies in our potty training book. You may download this complimentary potty training guide above.


Managing your puppy is vital. When your dog is not potty trained and doesn’t know the rules of the home it is important to manage and supervise your puppy. Some management tools are a crate, playpen or even a bathroom. Think of this area as your dogs home when your puppy is sleeping or when you are away from the home.

We recommend this soft playpen to contain your puppy when not being supervised.

Metal Crate

This wire crate comes in many options for all size dogs. It comes with a divider panel so you can get the size crate you need while your puppy is still small. Use this crate for sleeping, while you are away from home as long as it less than 6 hours.

If your puppy is eliminating in his or her crate then one potential problem could be the area is too big for your puppy.

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Dog Gates

Dog gates are useful to keep puppies out of areas of the home until they are potty trained and outgrow the destructive phase. This could be up to 1 year of age.

This model can be ordered in different colors.

travel Carrier

Think about how you want to travel with your dog. It is important to set up a safe space in your vehicle for your puppy. One way is with a travel carrier.

Dog bed

Believe it or not but every dog has a preference for shape and cuddle factor in a dog bed. I have listed a very popular bed here.

Daisy isn’t too picky with her bed but Dani prefers soft pillows or blankets.

Dog Car Seat

One of my favorite ways to travel with my dogs is with this durable plastic dog seat. You can safely buckle your dog in and allow for window viewing. This option is for small dogs.

A leash can be a wonderful tool to help manage your puppy. You can use this to easily redirect your puppy from unwanted behaviors inside the home if you keep the leash on during the day. We recommend to remove the end hoop so the leash doesn’t get caught on furniture. Some pet parents use this tool to tether their dog to an area like the dog bed or even under their feet while sitting on the sofa to encourage calmness while watching tv, etc. Click here for our recommendations on walking on leash.


I got my start into dog training at Petsmart. Working at Petsmart gave me an advantage in other areas like Nutrition. Now I am not a nutritionsit and I am only offering my knowledge as I understand it today and based on my life experiences. Overall, you will need to find what works for you and your puppy because not every product or theory works for everyone. Just like with people some dogs may have food allergies, may have a more sensitive digestive system or other health issues that require special diets. There is also a lot of information about this diet or that diet out there. It is important to try your best and find what works for you.

Working at Petsmart, I was trained to recommend products with at least 2 proteins as the first two ingredients. It was also explained to me that the aisles of food are laid out with the unhealthiest in the back of the store to the healthiest being in the front of the store. However, it could be from the cheapest to the most expensive as well. When I am choosing a food I still chose based on the first two ingredients, how many recalls the company has had and what nutrients are included. Green lipped mussel is nutritional for example and Yucca is another good ingredient. Daisy and Dani ate Only natural pet for a few years because they loved it and the company is rated well however they stopped touching it altogether. We changed to Stella and Chewy with raw bits and we vary the flavors so hopefully they will get the nutrients of the different meats. This food also has glucosamine which is good for joints and Dani has a Luxating Patella. Our vets recommendation was to supplement with glucosamine chondroitin. I have also solved behavioral cases on this supplement alone. That is another topic for another day.  Below are a few products that we use or have found success with.  Please note that this is my personal experience and recommendations.  


Daisy and Dani love this food! I rotate the flavors to offer a variety of nutrients and it has joint support already in the formula. With two small dogs I still purchase the smallest bag so that it will not spoil. Keep all dog food in an air tight container.

Stella & Chewy's


This is another wonderful healthy product that offers high nutrition and most dogs love it. You can use this as food or training rewards.

Primal Pet Foods

Training Rewards

I really love the brand Ziwi Peak. I use this product for rewards for Daisy and Dani but also in my training sessions. It is healthy and a high value reward.


Healthy Snacks

Daisy and Dani love Dogswell hip and joint flavors. I give these rewards when I leave the home or after training.


Other bones that take longer to eat like antlers or bully sticks are a good option as well. I like the bully sticks from Only Natural Pet because of the size and the low odor quality and my girls loved em. Some dogs really enjoy pig ears or Himalayan chews. It is not recommend to give your dog raw hide anymore because it tends to be a choking hazard. Click here to be redirected to Only Natural Pet. I am not affiliated with Only Natural Pet. I just like the product.

Food/water Bowl

When choosing a dog bowl I have found that ceramic is best. I have found dogs can have an aversion to the metal bowls or prefer something else over metal.

Some dogs prefer raised bowls and especially for larger dogs this is a good option. It is important to purchase the correct size stand for your bowl.

For working dogs or dogs that inhale their food a puzzle bowl, snuffle mat or rolling meal toy works well. These options are listed on my games and tricks page, click here for those options.


lick mat

A lick mat can be helpful when teaching husbandry skills or when you need to distract your dog from something like receiving eye drops.

You can attach it to the wall at your dogs height and clip their nails or clean their ears.

This mat comes in handy when you don’t have assistance or enough hands to reward at the best times.



Grooming and handling is an often overlooked aspect of dog training. Dogs can become fearful during this process, feel stress or overstimulated. Training your puppy at a young age to feel calm while being groomed or handled will set you up for success in the long run. It cam be awful to have to sedate your dog to get groomed or get their nails clipped and even just having a stressed out dog in general during this process can make you stressed as well. So start early!

Dental Hygiene

Dogs can experience dental issues just like people can. It is important to keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy so they will have those teeth for hopefully their entire life. Teaching your puppy early to accept getting their teeth brushed is much easier than introducing it when they are older.


I like this brush as a starter brush. It is gentle and will quickly condition your puppy to enjoy being brushed. Then ask your groomer what would the best brush for you dog’s.

Shampoo Conditioner

I wash my dogs with Tropiclean. It smells amazing and both of their coats look great.

Oatmeal is a wonderful ingredient for soothing dry skin if your puppy is a little dry. Other options are available and environment is important too. In Arizona, where we live, it is really dry so I always use a conditioner.

Nail Clippers

This clipper set for dogs is an excellent starter kit. Conditioning your pup to be calm while getting their nails trimmed is essential to maintaining a happy and healthy dog. Once your puppy is accustomed to the process you can move to the Dremel. I actually have the Dremel brand from Home Depot that I use.

Hair Scissors

This simple dog trimming kit will help you keep your puppy looking good between grooms. If you are like me, I do all my dogs grooming at home. Different coats need different tools so always consult your groomer on the best tools to have at home.

Bath brush

Having a bath brush to help remove hair is the best tool to keep shedding to a minimun.

Hair Stopper

Depending on where you bathe your puppy depends on the hair stopped to use. I bathe my dogs in the kitchen sink and use the top hair stopped or strainer. For the shower I use the one below. Important tools to keep your drains clear of hair.

Fresh wipes

I love wet wipes for myself and I definitely love em for my dogs. I use wet wipes to clean my dogs paws or give them a little wipe down.

The wrinkle wipes are great for dogs that have wrinkles like bulldogs.


Training is essential for all puppies. It is important to start training your puppy early on and set up clear ways to communicate. Remember dogs do not understand English, it is our responsibility to clearly communicate what each word we say means. Dogs communicate well with body language to start off with and we can use that to our advantage. Click here for ways to communicate with your puppy. Below you will find some tools that can help keep you organized at home.

Reward bag

A reward or treat pouch can be a vital tool when training. This pack can keep rewards, your keys, poop bags, a ball, clicker and any other small tools you may want to bring along. Come is several colors.

Training platform

There are many training platforms out there. I personally use the Klimb for my classes. What is important is that it is sturdy and won’t slide around when your dog gets on it.

Elevated pet cot

This pet cot can also be used as a training platform and comes in different sizes to fit your dog. The cot can be used inside the home or outdoors.

Dog Bed

Some dogs will love this orthopedic dog bed. It is cozy and comes in many different sizes and colors. If your puppy is prone to destroying bed perhaps the evaluated cot would be better or even a blanket would work too.

And last but not least a travel water bottle for your puppy is always great to have with you while you are exploring public spaces.  There are many options to chose from.  My dogs prefer to drink from a cup so I have a travel cup just for them.  Keeping water on hand at all times may prevent dehydration in your dog.  Below are a couple of options that my clients love.

Potty Training

There are many different routines and protocols that can help pet parents with their new puppy. We recommend gathering information and creating a plan on what is best for you and your family. Our complimentary potty training book can help you start potty training off right.  It is available to download here.

Long Term Confinement

There are many variations for long term confinement. These options can be a bathroom or gated off room of your home. It can also be a playpen. Here are some alternate ideas if you do not have a safe space available.

Play pen for small dogs

Depending on the size of your puppy depends the height and square foot of the space you will need. In the long term confinement area you want your puppy to have a potty area, a sleep area, food and water along with some play separate from the soiling area.

Pee Pads

This is a washable pee pad which I used when potty training Dani. This can be a good alternative to other pee pads that may be shredded by your dog. Of course there are many alternatives to this as well. I offer more information on this in my potty training book.

Disposable Pee Pads

By far the most popular option for using pee pads. We recommend that every family create their own potty training plan that fits their needs.

Yay! Poop bags!

By far the best part of having a dog in your life is following them around picking up after them. LOL

But on a serious note it is important to pick up poop so that we keep our environment clean and don’t spread disease.

Enzyme Cleaner

Cleaning feces and urine isn’t fun but cleaning it with the right product to prevent future accidents is key to success with potty training any puppy. Some products may say it is for pets however the product doesn’t contain enzymes so it won’t do the job. Our dogs can still smell the protein even when we can’t! If you have tile get a product with enzyme for tile.

Some families won’t need to invest in pee pads because they will take their puppy outside all the time. Whatever your plan is, it is important to be consistent, communicate clearly with your puppy without causing fear or anxiety and keep your puppy safe. We go over this in our potty training book.


Now let’s chat about keeping your puppy occupied with safe toys and chews. You may be tired of hearing me say this but every puppy or dog is different and has different needs. Some dogs like chew toys while other may love chasing things. It is important to satisfy our dogs needs and prevent unwanted behaviors from happening.

Stuffed Toys

Get all these stuffed toys for the price of 1 inside a box store! Keep your dog safe by supervising play to make sure no pieces are ingested or swallowed. Some dogs don’t do well with stuffed toys.

Chew Toys

For chewing it is important to offer a variety of textures and surfaces for your puppy to chew on.

Tug Toys

There are tug toys in the chew toy package. Here is another option for you puppy.

Throw Toys

These mini tennis balls are for small dogs or puppies. The regular sized tennis balls below are recommend for medium to large dogs. It is important to always supervise your puppy while playing in case they try destroying the product. Ingesting or swallowing toys can be very costly and put your puppy in the emergency room.

Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys bring a mental challenge for your puppy. Here are some we recommend. When raising a puppy using puzzle and interactive toys will help with mental stimulation while walking, running and fitness work the body.

Interactive toys

If your puppy eats too quickly some interactive toys can slow that down. Interactive toys also help with mental activity and give your puppy something to figure out. Some puppies may find these difficult so starting out easy is the key for success.

Other options for interactive toys

At Crazy Daisy Dog Training, we want you to be successful with your new puppy from the start. With this strategy we can keep dogs in their forever homes more often. Our goal is to keep dogs out of the shelter for good!

Denae Gemmrig (owner of Crazy Daisy Dog Training) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com